
A skid is defined as a steel-framed platform like structure on which heavy equipment is placed that facilitates its storage and easy moment. It is a commonly used structure found at shipment and construction sides where the heavy machines and platforms need support to perform multiple tasks. It is made of I-beam and channels that give it the strength to carry heavy equipment for a long time.

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 A skid system is a customized structure manufactured by different fabricators, and they produce it according to their client’s demand. Once the skid installs for any equipment, it will stay connected and hold the platform unless the machine or equipment needs any repair or replacement. A skid is not worked as a structure that can be removed and reconstructed to align multiple types of equipment.

The clients customize a skid according to the need, and if you are looking for a reliable fabricator, we suggest Al Safrik Steels for the best deals. The skid can move the machine or equipment easy and be reliable. Once installed, it can be transported from the construction site to the final location. Our team carefully assembles the whole platform, and once it is gathered, it will be permanently mounted with the equipment.

Modular Process Skid

It is a self-contained method system that is built into a “module” for the purpose of integration and easy transportation. It is the type of skids that can contain individual process applications or entire process systems, including

  1. Batch mixing
  2. Blending
  3. Delayed differentiation
  4. Solvent recovery
  5. Small-scale distillation

Customized Modular Process Skid

The modular process skids can provide a cost-efficient and strong structure alternative to the traditional process equipment and system. We at Al Safrik Steels have the ability to fabricate customized skids of your need and deliver them on time. Our skids are designed to accommodate the specific layout of your instrumentation, equipment and piping design.

You can increase the production with the help of installed skids, and they can save your money and time. Our qualified team design, create and deliver the final product on the location. Our certified team members know their job, and they offer a complete skid fabrication package to every client. You will don’t need to worry at any point because we will deliver the assembled skids that you can take anywhere.

Skids Systems in the Gas and Oil Industry

The skids play an important role in the gas and oil industry, where the heavy equipment and machinery need reliable support. Different types of skids are utilized for different needs:

Truck loading skids

Here use two types of designs,

  1. Top-loading skids
  2. Bottom loading skids

Both of the skids, as mentioned above, provide the assistance to transfer operations accurately while dealing with the safety standards. Different types of products can be off-loaded with it including:

  1. Gasoline
  2. Methanol
  • Diesel and LPG.
Skids in UAE
Skid 5 1

Chemical injection

During the gas and oil extraction process, chemical injection is required that consists of a large number of pressure vessels and storage tanks. The customized assist here supports the whole system by providing support and storage.

Surge relief

Here use two types of designs,

  1. Top-loading skids
  2. Bottom loading skids

Both of the skids, as mentioned above, provide the assistance to transfer operations accurately while dealing with the safety standards. Different types of products can be off-loaded with it including:

  1. Gasoline
  2. Methanol
  • Diesel and LPG.
Skid 6 1
Skid 2

Modular skids

More than one skid can be joined to create a huge processing system. There are different types of modular skids are including in the process:

  1. Oil modular skid
  2. Gas modular skid
  • Power water injection skid

The basic aim to design any skid is to provide eco-friendly and cost-effective support to heavy equipment. Skids can likewise be utilized to mount compact hardware to work with its taking care of by cranes or flatbed trucks. Moreover, it can be utilized to introduce a comprehensive interaction framework inside an edge, empowering simple transportation. Skid-mounted gear gives an option to on-location gathering where individual framework parts are delivered and steadily introduced at the place of work.

Having the hardware collected off-site takes into consideration more control and assists with staying away from a portion of the dangers related to on-location gathering. Skid-mounted hardware can contain whole interaction frameworks or more modest individual outlines that can be consolidated to make bigger structures.

Give reliable support to your business and order customized skids for your heavy machines and equipment. Visit @Al Safrik Steels and get assistance from our experienced team for your business.